Research says– when we buy a product, it’s for an emotional reason. The visitors on your e-commerce website are not here for browsing. They are here for the thrills and experience that your products have to offer. This is why you need to lay hands on some mind-blowing product pictures.
In this handbook, let’s learn how to create an enthralling browsing experience with product images for your e-commerce website.
Why Do Product Images Matter for Your E-commerce Website?
● Generates satisfactory and positive first impression for the visitors
● Narrates your brand story
● Establishes the sales connection between buyers and sellers
● It makes your website stand out in the crowded marketplace
How to make Good Product Images?
Now that you know why product images are so vital for the success of your e-commerce website- let’s learn how to create good product images.
● Show the product against a white background:
The true beauty of your products unveils when you use neutral backdrop colors. The visuals in the photo can be distracting and might snatch the spotlight. Use a professional background removal tool for this purpose.
● Ensure the product covers 85% of the frame:
The main focus of your image should be the product itself. The frame should say it’s the house of the product. Every tiny detail should be visible from the first glance.
● Use high-quality and clear pictures:
Blurry, distorted, and weak images fail to cause the spark your online store needs. Use professional image services to bring the best out of your pictures.
● Use images that appeal to the buyer’s emotion:
Quality and detailed images engage visitors and prepare them for conversion. Multiple shots and 360° product images allure and connect to the audiences more. Do remember to convey the story behind your products.
● Capture photos from every angle:
Online stores are sensitive, and customers want confidence. Upload at least eight product pictures covering every detail. This unfolds the little things about the products. Customers will know what they are buying.
Things to Avoid:
Here are some criteria to avoid about your product images:
● Low pixelated & grainy product pictures
● Dark and distorted product images
● Colorful backgrounds that seize the eyes
● Visuals that cover only half of the frame
● Labels, texts, graphics, watermarks, or logos in the product picture
● Images that aren’t resized
● The portrayal of anything else other than your product. (like the image of the sun when you are trying to sell a sunscreen)
● Visuals of the products without their packaging. (if it’s sold in a package)
If you want to grow as an established online seller, stick to the rules. Only then can you win the game of online sales.