Image resizing is one of those tough challenges people constantly seem to struggle with, but I find it pretty straightforward because picture resizing is possible online. When it comes to online photographs, size is crucial, particularly for those with sluggish connections which must wait an eternity for a website containing images to load. Frequently, these users get impatient and abandon the site in favor of another. Ensure that you upload minimal files to the Internet.
This is not difficult. What is difficult is that, although this is so simple and we all experience slow-loading websites, people continue to take photos with digital cameras, which frequently produce enormous image files, and then attempt to upload these images to the Internet — frequently with disastrous results.
What Are the Benefits of Image Compression?
To Increase Your Page Speed
Every time users visits a web page, their device accesses files stored on the website’s server. The longer time a website takes to load, the greater the files transmitted from the server. Images and video are often the most significant assets, and they may prevent a website from altogether loading.
To Increase SEO Ranking
This influence on page load time is particularly troublesome for users with sluggish Internet connections or restricted mobile data plans. 53% of mobile consumers will leave your website if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Each time a visitor visits your website, it impacts your ‘Bounce Rate,’ which Google will note.
Facebook acknowledged the 3-second desertion figure and said that newsfeed posts with slow-loading links would be shown less often.
It is also important to note that as of July 2018, Google’s ranking algorithm considers page speed. You should analyze your page’s load time to rank better in search engine results.
To Increase Your Conversion Rate
According to a recent poll of 750 customers, page speed increases their likelihood to purchase in approximately 70% of cases. Therefore, if you own an eCommerce business, page speed directly affects your income. Thus, minimize the size of these photographs to boost your sales.
Resizing With AutoRetouch
Use the product photography you already have and quickly adapt it to meet any new size needs. Easily modify the sizes of many images at once. You may make sure that all your photographs have the same size and dimensions by specifying the size you want and then applying it all at once to all the images you want.
Photos of products and fashion should have a uniform style and size. Your website will seem less professional and less structured if you employ a variety of picture sizes, which will, in turn, impair the user experience and satisfaction levels.
Adapt for limitations imposed by the size of the market. The majority of eCommerce systems, including Shopify, eBay, and Amazon, impose size limitations on product photos that users are required to conform to. Make use of the tool to resize a large number of photographs all at once.
Consider where your picture should reside on the Internet. You should also consider utilizing the proper file format. For example, JPEG and PNG are often suitable for in-content pictures. However, you would again need to reduce the picture size since the bigger the image, the slower the page performance. It is better and more convenient to resize photos using a service like AutoRetouch.