While talking about professional photo retouching, there is a lot going on in the frame. Professional retouch needs a lot of detailed work. You will need to adjust the brightness, color, and pixel of the image. To create smooth skin, you’ll need to use multiple photo editing tools. To do all these, you will need a reliable and high-quality photo editing app. Most professionals use Photoshop for this work. You can use other apps too if you feel comfortable.
The steps of retouching depends on the purpose of the edit and the preference of the editor. The same image can be retouched completely differently, depending on the artist. But almost all retouching process consists of a few common steps.
Color correction
Multiple options will help you to direct the color. You can adjust the exposure, contrast and adjust color temperature to your favorable state.
Removing spots
Removing spots and wrinkles from image is a crucial step for photo retouching. Use ‘clone stamp’ or ‘healing brush’ tool to remove uneven texture skin. But don’t get rid of all the textures. It will look unreal if you do so.
Adjusting light and shadow
Use ‘adjust shadow’ to change the brightness and shadow of your image. You can use the burn tool to create darken the tone of any part of the image. You can also gaussian blur to make the skin smoother.
Last but not the least, you will need to take care of each and every detail carefully. If there is any scar or hair strand left on the face it will not look professional or perfect.
Professional retouching contains a lot of sophisticated steps. These steps ensure that your photo retouching results in a realistic and highlighting image. Professional photo editors take a lot of time to perfect their work and make them look naturally highlighted. But if you do not want to go to that length, you can use photo retouching apps and websites. Some of these applications can give you the perfect retouched look.
The AI-based features of AutoRetouch will help you to achieve a refined and professional look to your image. All you need is to select the image and click on the service you want. AutoRetouch will make your image ready within a few seconds using the automated photo editing features.